How Colours Affect learning and mood of Children

Colours Affect learning

Colours are omnipresent, and so is the innocence of every child. Children enjoy things that are vibrantly coloured. The Arts & crafts, interiors, exteriors, decoration and many festivals and events, are pictured through colours for everyone. Colour attracts children’s attention and builds curiosity, which is how colours affect learning.  A child learning colours affect his/her mood differently. Let’s see how […]

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How can play school education boost a kid’s concentration?

Play School Education

One of the abilities that may be developed over time and through consistent practice is concentration. Although it is necessary for practically everything in life, it is far easier said than done to focus. Even for adults, it might be challenging at times to concentrate when needed. Children should be taught strategies and techniques to develop their ability to concentrate […]

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Benefits of Paper Bag & How To Make It? – Activity For Kids

Paper Bag-Activity For Kids

Every year on July 12, World Paper Bag Day is celebrated to make people aware of environmental debris and encourage the usage of environmentally friendly alternatives. Reusable bags, which are easy to recycle, will help minimize plastic garbage, which takes years to degrade and pollutes the environment. Childhood is the right time to inculcate healthy habits in kids and early […]

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