Is your child a victim of Communication Gap? Let’s bridge it together…

Even though we talk to our kids on regular basis but still there exists a gap that remains uncovered and distant. Gone are the days when children used to readily listen to their parents’ advice without asking questions. Nowadays, children prefer clarifications and discussions over every decision taken by their parents as they are no longer the models of patience […]

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Gangs of Gadgets V/S Child Behavior – Easy Tips to keep electronic gadgets away from your child!

We all may agree that gadgets are very entertaining. These are the major source of promoting technology in the current scenario and are easily available in the market. Not only are they helpful in various sorts, but are even economical and affordable in accordance to the current luxury trends. With a positive side to the trending gadgets, the over usage of the […]

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Tracing the Traits – How to become a Good Preschool Teacher?

In the literal ’70s in India, Early Education and Preschools did not actually attract the larger attention that it was supposed to. Long back, our society had this perception of treating preschool teachers as not so professional personnel. This included taking preschool teaching as a job for granted that can be done by anyone. It was also often associated only […]

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