A high quality child care can have a positive influence on children’s growth and development

child care

We all know that every child is unique and different in their own style, we can not compare them just because they all are different and have different qualities. We should respect them and allow them to express their feelings. Good parenting plays a very important role in children’s growth and development.  Being a parent we must give few minutes to our kids. They are very precious and innocent too, thus it’s our responsibility to develop them in the right direction. Raising a child is one of the toughest and most fulfilling jobs in the world — and the one for which you might feel the least ready. We should perform each task that can grow our children in the right direction and prepare them to live happily throughout life. Through education we develop a positive perspective of looking at life, at the same time, it helps us to grow and develop in the right direction. Thus we can shape a better society to live in. pre-schooling makes them disciplined and help them to grow in a balanced way. A child needs play school to grow and develop in the right direction. Kids are great observers they can learn things simply by observing, early education provides a complete programmed environment where they can boom. A play school is a place where they can play, socialize and move around with children of their age before they start formal schooling. They will learn to share and giving respect to others. Play school allows them to learn with great fun. Childhood is a crucial part of our life; in play school, they will learn basic concepts with immense joy. A play school is a place where they will learn how to have friendship, teamwork, playful activities which help them to understand the beautiful colors, different shapes, and loving people around them. this is the place where they can grow and shine like a star.


Play is important to healthy brain development it is through play that children at a very early age engage and interact in the world around them. Learning through visual content is helpful for the teachers to explain the concept easily and it improves the interest of kids to learn through visuals. Visual learning is one of the easiest ways to ensure that learners store information in their long-term memory. Once they understand the concept they can easily learn naturally, we do not have to teach a child how to walk, talk behave, etc as they will learn naturally. Play school provides an environment where a child can strengthen their emotional, mental social, and academic growth. Children are like buds in a beautiful garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured; as they are the future of our nation we help these buds to become good in every sense. Poor early development affects health (physical and mental), behavior, and learning throughout life. A playful learning activity allows a child to learn with great fun. Movement is a very effective way to grow in multiple senses. Play allows a child to use their creativity while developing their imagination making friends learning sharing and caring and emotional strength. Playschools focus on a holistic approach so that a child can grow in multiple ways. A holistic approach to teaching and learning also focuses on connection to the social world. We care for the skill and knowledge requires to foster and enhancing the holistic development, development of intellectual, physical, mental, emotional as well as social.it increases children to explore all their capacities and intelligence to see the world through his or their point of view. It is important for the right brain development. Children learn different things at different stages and early schooling is one of the most important parts of his life. Childhood memory are very crucial in our lives, it makes us remember the best time of our life. When one has good childhood memories, they grow up to be happy and confident and see the world through their own beautiful eyes.

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