World Environment Day 2015 Special

World Environment Day 2015

World Environment Day 2015

June 5th, World Environment Day is an annual celebration dedicated to raise & address concerns related to the world’s environment. This world is our home and its environment is something that every human need to live.

United Nations as the World Environment Day (WED) first commenced this day in 1972. This day was established to create awareness of the environment in the general people. This day is an encouragement for Public & the Government to praise our environment, its resources, and work to conserve it. Since 1972, each year a different country is appointed to host this event/day. India hosted this day in 2011 with the theme of Forest.

How we can help our environment?

We all can make small contributions for the damage control & bring positive changes in our environment. As the name suggests World, we all should work together to save our planet. We can celebrate this day by planting a tree; schools can adopt a nearby park, and a group of people can clean their surroundings on this special day. In addition, campaigns to raise awareness, debates, conference, and parade can also be conducted.

Let us see how an individual can help:

  • Adopt a greener life
  • Plant trees
  • Buy a fuel-efficient car/use public conveyance/car pools
  • Create awareness
  • Inform & teach your friends about environment day/this day
  • Don’t litter
  • Stop using plastic bags
  • Puppet show for children with an environmental message
  • Quizzes can be organized
  • Save Paper
  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • Replace electronic appliances with energy saving ones
  • Volunteer to join any local NGO or clubs who work for the cause of environment

You can also create a garden in your house by indoor and outdoor plants; it will not only beautify your surrounding but will also get fresh oxygen to breathe. The main cause of the damage in our environment is Pollution. If we work to reduce it, our environment will be happy and will be heaven at earth.

Celebrate this day, create awareness and love your environment!!

Please share how you guys celebrated the World Environment Day; let us see how many of us are doing it.

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