Tips to Start a Successful Play School

Tips to Start a Successful Play School

With an increasing literacy rate, the new generation of parents is making it a must to send their ward to play school for better grooming.  Consequently, every parent is eager to explore the best options available to them, to have the opportunity to start a successful play school.

Not only this but after the increasing number of enrollments, the number of playschools is also rising at the moment. Many people are prospecting, planning and working on the idea of a play school business. Similar to other businesses, a play school business also requires a pre-planned layout for the startup. If you’re also looking forward to starting a play school, then we have the super 6 tips for you to start a successful playschool.

Here are 6 tips to Start a Successful Play School

1. Name it wisely!

Play School Name- 1st Tip to start a successful play school

The name of a play school imposes a first impression in the minds of the spectators prospecting to enrol their child. So, it is very important to select a perfectly suitable name. Go for a fancy attractive name that will drive more attention and audience towards the preschool. Make it sound different from the usual names.

Don’t go for core professional names. As here we are talking all about kids and their schooling, so select a name that is simple, sober and pronounceable by kids too. Consider a child’s point of introspection in naming the play school. Always go for a name that connects with the children in some or the other manner. Remember naming the playschool aptly is very crucial to the success and viability of the same in the market. Keep it short and simple, but distinctive!

2. Think Economically!

Play School Economic Thinking- 2nd tip to start a successful play school

Whenever we think of starting a business, the main factor that comes to our mind is finance.  It is very important to have an adequate amount of finance to run a preschool for a great learning flow. Without money, the resources required for the teaching purpose will not be available for kids, and thus the implementation of the curriculum without the proper use of resources would be difficult.

Just like any other business, there are some basic amenities required to start a successful play school. From security, teaching curriculum, advanced programs, and staff to infrastructure and building, every single purpose requires a minimum of finance. Once the flow of functions is being followed and actions are being undertaken, it is not possible to disrupt the chain of finance. Thus, everything about finance has to be managed beforehand very economically as per the plans.

There are various financing options available in the market. If you lack money and wish to start a preschool, then you can easily opt for bank loans. This will give you an initial start-up fund and afterwards, you can pay back the cost as per the revenue generated in instalments.

Also, attracting sponsors to your proposed playschool business plan will help you fund the various amenities of a playschool. This is a powerful promotional and expansion tool and gives an additive advantage to the sponsors too. So, everything has to be planned very wisely and thinking economically like any other business, is a very crucial part of starting up a play school.

3. Go choosy on Location and Infrastructure!

Play School Location

Parents send their kids to a play school to explore things in an open environment and observe better. As per the location concern, setting up a play school in a spacious and green environment can be beneficial. This not only attracts children but also helps them to connect to the environment, observe and become sensitive towards nature. Adding to this, an open environment helps in learning new things in a better manner.

Secondly, look for a location with less competition from playschools and a lot of kids living around. Opening a school in a deserted place will not give a chance for success. Conduct a survey in the location to inquire about the kids living around, the average financial status of the people living in the locality, and other playschools located around the area before going for a play school setup.

With the infrastructure facilities, make it as colourful, interesting and attractive as you wish. Play school being an arena for kids needs to undeniably look playful and attractive in every possible manner. Make your infrastructure and interiors look connected to the children and their interests.

Along with this, arrange for adequate facilities such as clean drinking water, refreshed toilets, proper ventilation in classrooms, medical room facilities, etc. Parents looking forward to enrolling their child will always opt for a well-managed school with all the basic amenities available.

For interiors, invest wisely in technical equipment, toys, and educational aids. Opt for the most modern types of educational kits for the kids to have a happy play-schooling experience without any chances of getting bored.

If your infrastructure and interiors are to the point, then you will reap our success. Make it a happy-go-to-place for kids to visit daily.

4. Staffing the teaching and ground faculty!

Play School Staff

Teachers, being the roots of a playschool should always be on the priority list. Staffing the correct number of teachers in your school depends on the number of children you’re catering to.

Hire teachers specialized in teaching and handling preschoolers to avoid any mess in the classroom. Never staple a teacher with a huge bunch of kids at once to avoid the halfway learning. Always ensure that the teacher is handling only an adequate amount of kids at once to pay the required attention to each kid under her supervision. This will help the teacher to teach better and kids to learn better.

Also, go for regular teacher training programs to guide your teachers in using the latest technology along with the curriculum implementation to make teaching fun and boredom-free. Discuss the curriculum and the changes regularly with the teacher to communicate the right learning lessons in the classroom.

Along with the teaching faculty, employ the housekeeping and other ground staff to keep the kids and the school clean and hygienic at all times.

5. 2C’s are important – Curriculum and Culture!

play school curriculum & culture

The quality of the education and skills provided in your play school will ultimately boost your success shortly. According to the National Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) policy of India, there is a definite pattern and curriculum available for preschoolers. Follow the latest and upgraded pattern and continuously check for updates and changes in the existing one.

Maintain the desired standard and quality of learning in your play school to shape the young minds of the budding kids with a correct dosage of learning.

In concern to the culture of the play school, never make it very rigid with a list of rules and strict patterns to be followed. A play school is a place for kids to explore their inner selves and the first stage of interests. Have a flexible play school culture for the little kids. Making it too strict might not suit the kids as well as the parents. Let the little ones enjoy their initial years of learning with fun and not with horrific rules and regulations.

Not only this, commemorate the important days and organize events involving kids and their parents. This will help the parents to know about the culture of the play school better and attract the other children as well. The blend of the correct curriculum along with a child-friendly culture of playschool will help the kids to learn better and make your playschool a great success!

6. Promote, promote and promote…

Play School Promotion

Once you’re ready with all the above-mentioned points and all set to go, start with the promotion of your play school using various means. Use different types of promotional techniques for promoting your playschool with a full boom. Advertise using physical print technology such as pamphlets, newspaper columns, boards and hoardings, banners, etc. If you have much to spend, then you can also go for television advertisements for your school.

With the digital market trending on the charts, it is very likely for every new startup to go for digital marketing. You can also go for digital marketing wherein you can promote your play school on the internet or www. (World Wide Web) using various promotional techniques digitally. Use social media platforms for promotion, such as Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, LinkedIn, etc.

Apart from this, for a recreational promotion, you can hold various contests on your school premises open for all the kids and parents. Investing in organizing summer camps is also a great option for recreational promotion. This will attract a lot of kids and parents in and around your area.


So, these were the super 6 tips to start a successful play school.  I would also recommend you visit all the playschools near your playschool locality and observe the distinctive facilities they have in their curriculum or otherwise. This will help you to tease your thinking skills a bit more and scrap out some unique selling propositions for your playschool.

With all that a business does, you should always keep in mind that starting a play school is not a mere business, but there are lives of young minds attached to it. Ethically working, providing personal guidance and shaping the minds of the little toddlers is a must-to-do for playschool developers.

So, what are you waiting for? Start planning and give your play school a kick-start now!

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