Preschool Activities Parents Can Do at Home

preschool activities at home

preschool activities at home

With prices rising everyday, most parents are busy trying to earn a living and making sure that their children go to good schools to have the best education they can afford.  As a result, they are so tired when they return home that children are often ignored.  Consequently children are found sitting in front of the television till it is time for bed.

But it is essential that parents do not leave all the ‘fun’ and ‘activities’ for the teacher, they too must spend some time showing children that whatever is available at home can also be adjusted and created into something that is stimulating and entertaining.  A simple story read out loud by a mother or father can become a ‘favorite’ one.  Read with expression, try to change your voice with every character, show the children the pictures in the book.  You could even try enacting out the story with both ‘Mama and Papa’ role playing. The excitement and laughter will change the atmosphere at home.

A doll house is often costly and bulky and then includes more expenses when you have to furnish it.  Instead take a cardboard box, allow the child to paint it with her favorite colors, cut out windows, throw in a few cushions or some spare ‘dupattas’ you might have lying around and your house is ready.  The child can sit in it and even have a meal or two in the house that she built and decorated.  If the child doesn’t like the idea of turning the cardboard box into a house, turn it into a ‘pretend’ car asking ‘Papa’ to push it around a few times so that he feels he is ‘driving’.

The monsoons are here and the child cannot go out to play and she is bored and restless with all the pent up energy.  Both the child and the mother or father can benefit from ‘follow the leader’.  You can ‘exercise’ by swinging your arms, touching your toes, running in one place, stretching your arms towards the ceiling, etc.  Tell your child to imitate your actions, he or she will be thrilled to be able to do the same thing that you are doing and will also make him or her feel more adult like.  This will release all the extra energy, keep both of your healthier as well build up an appetite.

Children enjoy filling up bags and baskets.  Set up a grocery store, use empty or ‘nearly empty’ boxes you might have at home.  You can also use some small containers which can be easily handled by your children.  Children will learn the names of not only the items you are ‘selling’ but also numbers.  Items can be counted when setting up and asking ‘how many’ and ‘selling’ – encourage the child to ask the cost of everything.  If the child has begun learning addition and subtraction in school, items and prices can be added or taken away, thus revising math concepts and skills.

Activities at home allow you to spend time with your child, have fun with him and also mold him in various ways.  Make them part of your and your child’s schedule and watch the expressions of joy and thrill on his face every time you are together.

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