Major Challenges of being a Preschool Teacher

Preschool Teacher Challenges

It might look very easy to become a play school teacher and deal with kids. But do you really think it is? If yes, then you’ll definitely have to reconsider your answer!

Mostly evaluated amongst the list of pretty simple jobs, being a playschool teacher seems to be an easy goal for many people. But looking deep into the reality, it is not something everyone can do. Becoming a playschool teacher is not just about following the routines and taking care of kids. When you get inside a room full of different types of kids, a playschool teacher is given a super teacher dimension altogether.

The world inside a classroom is different from what a kid and the teacher might experience outside with any other person. When a child gets enrolled in a playschool, he or she is expected to enter a world full of strangers by leaving the protective environment at home. Here, the young bud is shown a very different perspective and made to learn the basic mannerism. All this that has to be served to a budding mind comes from a preschool teacher. It takes a core hardship and perfected dealing mechanism for a teacher to deal with a toddler, make him understand things better, groom him in the right direction, and perfecting the behavior for futuristic academic goals. Along with all the responsibilities, there are enormous things that a playschool teacher is expected to take a proper care of, to completely justify the role taken up by them.

Not only this, there is a list of challenges faced by the preschool teacher in the course of following their curriculum and teaching in a playschool. This article will highlight various types of problems faced by the preschool teachers in a classroom.  Let’s expand our knowledge about the challenges faced by a preschool teacher in a playschool…

  1. Retaining the attention of kids

Each young mind has a different sort of behavior and interests. It is not possible that each and every child in a preschool classroom will be same and pay an equivalent attention to everything that is told by the teacher. Some kids may find the classroom discussions engaging or some may not find it very interesting to invest attention in. So, binding every child in a classroom in a thread becomes difficult for a teacher.

Toddlers being fussy and moody might not be very engaged towards the teacher. It becomes a dare for a playschool teacher to grab and retain the attention of children for long. In a large-sized class, many students will definitely be distracted and even distract others. Keeping a child stick to what is being told in the class or the activities going on needs diverted attention at a single point in time. And this becomes one of the biggest challenges for a playschool teacher.

  1. Physical Misbehavior

Young bud is not familiar with a concrete language and is undergoing the development stage of speaking skills. Toddlers, being a bit fussy or notorious differ in their behavior and understanding level in this age. Not so wide understanding level and ability to express things often leads to conflicts between the children which may result in a physical misconduct with each other.

As a preschool teacher, it becomes very important yet difficult to make children understand the good and bad behavior. There might be the incidents of hitting faced by a teacher in the class. So, guiding the children in the right direction for the same is important. A wrongly handled hitting case might lead a child to become very stubborn or naughty and repeat the activity again. Thus, it is a very challenging situation for a teacher to handle this kind of physical misconduct in the playschool premises.

Also, a teacher has to be very sure that other children in the class might not get affected by this or follow the same path. Managing all the things at a single point becomes very confusing and at times frustrates the preschool teacher too.

  1. Effective execution of the preschool curriculum

Implementing the playschool curriculum in a class with a lot of distractions and disruptions due to various factors becomes a very difficult task for a playschool toddler. A lot of issues entailing the implementation of curriculum in the different aspects are faced by the preschool teachers. Some of them are listed below.

  • Availability of materialistic facilities: Not all schools are highly equipped for teachers, to provide the go through of the curriculum in a very modern and technical manner. The availability of materialistic facilities becomes very important as the curriculum followed nowadays is technical-centered and emphasis on the use of technology to groom the children rather than bookish content for the young mind. The unavailability of the resources disables the teacher to follow the curriculum in a creative and more profound manner, as suggested by the makers.
  • Planning takes a chunk of time: If a preschool teacher follows the designed curriculum, it may take a huge chunk of time to understand it, make various arrangement for activities quoted, prepare the documentation of the observations of a toddlers learning based on the same and reflect from the activities that are really helping the child. All the formulation done before and after the curriculum takes a lot of time and it becomes difficult for teachers to simultaneously manage everything around from classroom to fussiness of each kid and paperwork. Also, this hectic schedule disables the teacher to implement what and how she has planned the things to be done as per the interest of the kids.
  • Assessment reports are lengthy: Along with the things mentioned in the curriculum, a teacher has to report the progress details and assessments of each and every child. The curriculum already demands most of the time of the preschool teacher, plus the formulation of these reports on qualitative and subjective aspects acts like a cherry on the cake for a teacher. Whether a preschool teacher likes it or not, she’ll have to do up with it anyhow. This assessment process makes it challenging for teachers to work and is very time-consuming.

Even in the case of difficulties, the preschool teachers manage to work so efficiently to direct the future of toddlers in a right manner. Without any mistake or distractions, the playschool teachers are devoted towards their duty and handle the most important and crucial age of every human being. Without the playschool teachers, a child will never be able to follow the right path with sensitive values along with the correct dosage of skills and mannerism.

If you’re also planning to become a playschool teacher, then this will definitely excite you, scare you and overwhelm you at different stages of a career. This job will consider your super role into action and helps you overcome all the challenges with ease.

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