Be On A Lookout And Pick The Best Preschool

It is not too herculean a task if you carefully identify the playschools in your area, evaluate them, compare results and not forget what you and your child are looking for in a school. Say, a child with special needs have to be catered in a way which every school cannot or as working parents, you wish to opt for a school which runs day care as well after school hours.

But, the task is critical and tricky as you really can’t keep switching if a school doesn’t fulfill one odd thing out of ten in the list. In this regard, as parents, you have to communicate, co-ordinate and trust the school with your child’s learning. There is no fixed algorithm to rank schools. Despite all efforts, a top school might not have aids to foster your child’s learning. Still, there are factors which should, at least, be the basis of considering playschools in your list of alternatives available. Here are a few to name some which you can call as tips for selecting the right play school. Let’s read on:

  • AREA AND VICINITY: Look out for a play school that is not too far from where you reside keeping in mind the distance that the child has to travel each day. The play school should ideally be in the radius of 3 to 6 kilometers.

TEACHING AIDS: Visit the school and have a teacher show you all sorts of teaching material they use for child learning. These include books, notebooks, boards, smart boards, subject kits, building blocks and much more.

  • BRAND NAME: Considering the brand name is not important to reflect your or the child’s capacity to be a part of the school. It’s just that a brand conscious school will take feedback and initiative too in order to introduce innovative things in the school for a strong footing in the market. This, thus, becomes a win-win situation for the parent, child and school as well. It’s as simple as that!
  • INNOVATION AND EFFORT: A school with constant efforts of innovation always comes with ways that are going to add in the learning process of your child. For e.g. speaking books, pens and smart boards serve as a USP if added into the school’s framework of functioning.
  • SPECIAL CHILD CARE: If at all the little one needs a special educator because of him/her being a special needs child, see to it that the school has the required trained teachers, a counselor, disabled-friendly environment and all other things which you or the child wishes to be there apart from the standardized requisites of a play school.
  • QUALITY OF TEACHERS: Interact with the staff and the teachers for knowing all about they do in a day’s routine. Ask questions as it’s only a good thing to listen straight from the horse’s mouth. They are the one who will accompany your child when in school.
  • QUALITY OF HEAD: The head in the form of principal or director or called by any other name in the school should be the one whom you should look upon for any information as he/she is the nodal authority which has the power to take feedback and work towards child development .
  • TYPE OF TEACHING-LEARNING: Always make it a point to pick a preschool for your child which follows the practice of play way teaching methods, innovative additions in study material, continuous revision of curriculum and effectively communicate each of its development to the parents.
  • CLEANLINESS: Your child will learn about cleanliness of himself/herself and the surroundings if same is presented before him/her. Therefore, take a round of the school to check whether the following areas are clean or not:
Kitchen Buses/Vans
Classroom Washrooms
 Water Cooler Area Gardens
Swings Area Activity Rooms


  • INFRASTRUCTURE: Make sure that the furniture is comfort-driven and lightweight, classrooms and activity areas are well-ventilated or air-conditioned depending upon the weather conditions of the area, walls and floors are well painted and carpeted and outdoor playing area has rubber flooring for safeguarding the child against injuries while playing.
  • FEES STRUCTURE: Carefully scrutinize and go through the fees structure the school is following and the corresponding activities it is undertaking in view of those charges. Look for a school that follows a completely transparent and communicative approach with the parents when it comes to fees alterations.
  • PARENT-TEACHER INTERACTION SYSTEM: Know about the frequency of parent interactions like PTM’s and choose such a preschool for your child which encourages a right amount of parent involvement in school activities. The acceptable frequency of PTM’S say, shall be once in a month for a preschooler.
  • CURRICULUM: Never get late to get your child admitted to a play school which has an updated and fresh curriculum. It should constantly be subject to revisal and innovation incorporating all latest trends in the good interest of child education.
  • TRANSPORT: Consider the pickup and drop facility and transport system provided by the school. Opt for a school that seems promising in dropping your child safe home and appoints an attendant in the bus for the little ones.
  • UNIFORM AND OTHER RULES: Make sure that the school provides in-house quality dress material from their side or ties up with a good vendor. Also make it a point to ask whether an extra set of uniform is available with the school in case a child gets his/her clothes soiled. Observe other rules and regulations and clear all doubts beforehand. If available, ask the school to give a manual for parents before admission process starts.

Good luck for finding the best one for your little one!

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