Home Quarantine Routine With Your Kids

home with kids during quarantine

In this period when everyone is at home, there are a lot of chances that lying in bed is the only things your kids might be doing. This scenario will not reap very charming results and thus, we as parents need to check that whether they are fully and most interestingly using the Home Quarantine. Using the home quarantine does not mean a day long study hour. Effective home quarantine strategy should be a careful mix of everything which doesn’t make your child to shift to boredom. Also, a routine also does not mean that it has to be strictly followed even if not loved by your kids. I came across a quote which said that:


  • Try new recipes

Cakes, muffins, rolls, patties and much more. Kids are in love with this food. There are ample tutorials which you can see online and seek your child’s help in trying new recipes. This way, the child will get engrossed and will learn about various kinds of ingredients.

  • Try making masks

The social media is flooded with DIY crafts on making face masks with material at home. You can make colourful masks with your child and seek help in cutting the cloth, tying knots and much more. This is the need based activity and you can easily make one good mask each day.

  • Complete the study/ assignment part

It is important that the touch from whatever the child has already learnt is not broken. If they are attending an online class, well and good. If need be, you can download various worksheets and get them solving some.

  • Try your hand at DIY craft

Painting a diya, making a pen stand, Best out of waste are some DIY crafts which you can try with the child. Watch tutorials and use waste CDs to paint them all. You never know you might see a new talent resting quietly inside your little one.

  • Do a lot of exercise

Exercise and yoga is not just for the grown-ups. Kids have a body at development stage and it is very important to keep their body flexibility maintained specially when they can’t really step out to play. Reserve a morning or evening exercise/ yoga time with your child.

  • Practice storytelling

Expression is an important trait in a child which should be taught if the child does not possess it. It involves a lot of effort, face expressions, hand gestures to explain a story. You can ask your child to narrate one story with expression. Help them if they get stuck anywhere.

  • Watch educational channels on YouTube

There are ample educational channels on YouTube. If you have not subscribed to them yet, you may do so now. This will enable a child to self-learn while you are bust with the household chores.

  • Get digitally sound

This is also a good time to let your child sit with you and learn basic computer skills. They must know how to switch on a system. Create and save a file and anything alike which you can teach them. This will make them tech savvy by the time lockdown ends.

  • Chalk out your favourite activities

While you are trying everything with your child, you may align these activities to be everyday’splan in future. You may chalk out what your child loves to do and does not love to do and you may act accordingly.

  • Learn about new things such as first aid and disaster management techniques

There are various things such as basic first aid and disaster management techniques which you as parent can teach them. Seek information from the internet and tell them, how to clean a wound, put a band-aid, do not panic in an emergency situation and much more.


This is majorly not a rule guide as to what a routine should be like. Consider this as a guide book with alternative options available for you to have fun and learn something with your kids. You can add much more interesting things in this list and also recommend others in doing that.

Stay Home, Stay Safe & most importantly Save Lives!

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