Gangs of Gadgets V/S Child Behavior

–  Easy Tips to keep electronic gadgets away from your child!

We all may agree that gadgets are very entertaining. These are the major source of promoting technology in the current scenario and are easily available in the market. Not only are they helpful in various sorts, but are even economical and affordable in accordance to the current luxury trends.

With a positive side to the trending gadgets, the over usage of the same consumes a major part of our day. And thus, we end up getting addicted to them. With a spurt of technology, the new generation is ahead of us in the terms of playing upon technology. It has become a very common problem these days with kids.

Technology without any doubt is very entertaining but it has equal health hazards to you and as well as to your child. The eating habits, mood swings, outdoor activities, sleep pattern and playing hours of your child may all go for a toss if your child too becomes addicted with any of the gadgets like Smartphones, tablets, Laptops, Playstation, etc.

Today, children spend more time playing with electronic toys and not with friends, parents, or siblings. In the words child specialists, parents who allow toddlers and preschoolers to use mobile phone, tablets, television, computers, and iPad for more than 3 hours a day are in ‘danger’ zone on the addiction meter.

To overcome this situation, we have listed 5 simple ways to get your child off these gadgets and rejuvenate the time together.

#1.  Meal Time = Family Time

Mealtimes are meant to be together and chitchat about how did we spent our day. This discussion develops a good eating pattern. Rather than actually eating together, families are nowadays much more connected to their smartphones and television during meal times.

It is our duty to engage ourselves and our little ones in some activity and family discussions while eating. Scrap out some good topics to discuss during family time and ask out about the day and well being of each other. Afterall, a family who eats together stays together.

#2.  Discouraging the use of Gadgets!

Encourage your little ones to invest more real playtime rather than engaging on games and social media on their gadgets and PSP’s. Restrict and take controls over the usage of gadgets throughout the day and night. Take a mutual decision with your partner that either of you would not sit in front of television or use mobile phones for long hours in front of your child.

Plan a walk after dinner or take your kid on his/her bicycle for small rounds. This will foster more family time and discourage the use of phones all the time.

#3.  Sleeping Patterns are a must!

Disturbed sleep leads to more irritability and behavioral disorders. Your sleep matters as much as your eating patterns do and it is the most important phase for your child’s routine. Lay out a pattern of not giving the gadgets to your children during the bed time and let them follow a strict habitual routine of napping and night sleep.

#4.  Small Project to edifice Curiosity and Interest.

Projects should not only be restricted to adults. But our little ones can also learn a lot by solving and working on smaller projects. Children are not aware of planning and budgeting and hence, parents can help them realize what time management is all about.

Give your little one a pile of magazine and ask him/her to choose any design or any simples thing, which you could build together. Spend your weekends doing that project with your child. It could be a picture, a little model or something like a small wooden boat etc. Overtime, your child will find the project so interesting that you can choose a project every weekend and continue planning for the same.”

Off course as a parent, your involvement is necessary to help & guide & bring things to work.

#5.  Structure your Day!

Plan a day schedule for your child with specified time for meal, playtime with the toys, story time, walk time etc. Plan a 30-minute break for him/her to watch television and be strict about it. Switch off the TV if it becomes an issue between you and your child. Routine change will surely separate him/her from the world of gadgets.

Don’t wait; get your child off the Gadgets RIGHT NOW!! These tips will surely help you fight with this gang of gadgets and win the battle!


Always remember your child needs you more than anything else! Gadgets can’t replace you. You just need to understand the pattern of behavior associated with its usage and work on it…



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