I am eight years old at Bachpan…a play school. Yippee!!!  Everyone must be wondering what I mean. Well! It has been a lovely 8 years with my Bachpan Family. I remember it was 6 PM in the evening in April (8 years back), when I came for an interview. There comes a time when you need to reinvent yourself in life. That was the time for me.

All my life I enjoyed working in some of the very good schools in Delhi and outside. I needed to think beyond teaching. With a vast teaching experience in various subjects at various levels, and good communication skills, I felt the urge to do creative and different work. Then I chanced to come to Bachpan. Such unassuming and lovely people, I felt. I joined them. I remember that we were doing the primary text books of AHPS. Then I met with our Chief Mentor, Ajay Sir, our Research & Development Head, Rosy Madam and our Technical Head, Tijay Sir, for the first time. I was floored by their humility, warm nature and helpful attitude.

Together, all of us along with renowned scholars, writers, etc. ended up creating our own books. I learnt so much!! As teachers, we come across so many books in each subject. We are quite critical and vocal about books. For the first time in my life I realized at Bachpan, that so much effort, research, hard work, men, money, material and time are invested to create one single Book!!

Life was never the same for me after that realization. Each book was our baby, a creation so lovingly nurtured and nourished. Of course, at every step we take in suggestions and incorporate them for improvement.

The day I joined Bachpan, ever since, then till date, my family here and at Hyderabad tell me, ‘Don’t leave your work at Bachpan because the happiness and the joy you derive, shows.’

I have seen our Corporate office grow, multiply in terms of franchises, add in terms of staff and volume. From 250+ and just a few AHPS when I joined, we are 1000+ Bachpan branches and 100+ AHPS branches now and still adding on.  I always wish that our Bachpan & AHPS families grow like huge banyan trees, providing the cool shade of education to our children in every nook and corner of India.  Our motto is to provide quality and contemporary education to all sections of the society.

Pedagogy at Bachpan has reinvented itself with technical developments like E-learning solutions under Prismart and now the latest –Speak-O-Kit!! The speaking books when touched by a speak-o-pen will talk, recite, sing and teach our little ones at Bachpan… a play school.  It is a whole new world of fun learning. What else I will learn with Ajay Sir and Rosy Ma’am, time will unfold the mystery!

I’m all eager like an 8-year old girl, waiting for her next toy! It’s a pleasure working here with amazing yet simple people as also our schools and teachers whom we meet when they come for Training Programs to Delhi.

My good wishes to all you lovely people who read my thoughts penned here. CIAO!!

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