Ways to develop a reading practice for your kids

reading habits

With time moving faster than ever before in terms of technology, kids have also switched from the conventional methods of learning. The new methods of learning are useful and convenient for the parents as well, but practices like reading and writing can never be neglected. Reading is a basic need to absorb words in you before you pour out something […]

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Importance of teaching moral values to kids

moral values

Moral values are the key component of someone’s character and School is the place to learn those values from scratch. It is one of the essential factors that make a child grow in all aspects of life. It teaches students about the right ways to choose for their journey. Without moral values, life seems to move in a directionless way. […]

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Tips to Foster Positive Thinking in Children


A parent and child relationship is a unique bond that can give inner strength to the child. It is a basic foundation for a child’s overall growth and behavior, personality, and self-esteem. Having a positive attitude in life can help children to deal with any problem in life. If a child once learned to think positively, he will be surely […]

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