7 Things to Consider before Buying a Playschool Franchise

Things to Consider before Buying a playschool Franchise

Getting into an educational sector from a business perspective is something that definitely benefits every being. With population increasing at a rapid speed, along with the developing minds, the demand for actively working and qualitative playschools is also increasing.

Every parent is keen to enroll their children in the best of playschool for an advanced initial stage development.

Now, with few best of brands, it is not possible for a playschool provider to set up a playschool on every nook and corner of the society, all by self. Thus, the method of furnishing franchises of the same brand name and trademark in the playschool sector has definitely increased the number of preschools across the economy with a major boom.

But, still wondering what is franchising? Let’s find it out…


What is Franchising?

Franchising is a process of granting a trademark or a brand name along with the system of the business, trade secrets and uniformity with a business or person concerned in the exchange of a royalty amount for the business. The person providing the franchise is a franchisor whereas the person opting for the same is a franchisee. Options like franchising actually help in opting for what has already been established, well tried and tested by the audience.”


Talking about the preschooling sector, with a rising need, majority of people look for pan India brands for nurturing their children with the best of childhood experience.

If you’re also planning to step in the preschool stage of the educational sector, then franchising is definitely a good option. But it is always advised to consider few factors before opting for a preschool franchise.

  1. Span and Experience

It is very important to know the in and out of a playschool you’re looking forward to working with. Determining the number of years of operation and franchising of the company before going for a franchise tie-up is important. Since the number of years and the previous franchises can furnish a lot of information for the prospecting franchise holders, thus one should check for the span of operation and franchise experience of the prospecting preschool. More the number of years of operation, better will be the goodwill and market stability.

  1. Quality Assurance

Researching online and offline about the franchisor will definitely help you to reach the results in a much profound manner. Social Media, being a quick fling will help you to determine the reviews of the parents as well as know about the activities going on in school. Have a look at the website of the play school carefully and read about the programs they’re offering in their school. Not only this, visit the already existing franchises nearby, to determine the quality standard followed in the franchises. At least try to visit 3 to 4 franchises in order to ensure the uniformity of the standards and know about the programs and curriculum followed in the preschool. Connect with the social media platforms for determining the likes, dislikes of the brand. Wait for the feasibility green flags before making an investment in the same.

  1. Infrastructure and Designing

Some franchisors allow the franchisee to furnish and design the franchise as per their own will. Basically, this strategy is used to attract more and more franchisees. Such type of brands does not showcase any sort of uniformity in terms of infrastructure and designing. Especially when we talk about a playschool franchise, uniformity in terms of infrastructure and designing of the franchise is a must.

Not only this, it is always good to visit the nearby franchises of the playschool you’re prospecting to deal with. This will help you determine the type of interiors and overall infrastructure of the franchise you’re looking forward to investing your bucks in. One can easily infer the sense of how their preschool will look like and what will be the requirement of the franchise.

The standard maintained by the franchise portrays the practice of formal rules all across the nursery chain and makes it easy to distinctively recognize a brand as one and whole.

  1. Staff Management

The role of a teacher or mentors in the preschool is just next to a mother, where they guide the little toddlers in shaping each and every aspect of childhood and easy transiting to a post-toddler stage. Thus, considering it as a regular teaching profession is just not justified. Being a nursery teacher requires the will to love the kids, and stroke their future for nurturing the best of a human being out of them. Thus, go for a franchise, where the selection of play school teachers is done very peculiarly, with a proper testing. Along with this, it is always good to check for the training for nursery teachers, provided by the head office of the preschool franchise. Considering the recruitment and training factors before signing the agreement of franchising is crucial to the fact that the teachers are the basic backbone of every playschool, and thus maintaining the quality becomes important.

  1. Technology and Market Trends

With development pacing up day by day, the sector of technology has captured the minds of every new bud in the 21st century.  In today’s world, every school is working hard for providing a technology-centered educational environment where children are made to learn, instill, search and solve various situations using the technical aids. A preschool with the latest technology at par will definitely have a much more profitable venture in future as compared to the old school methods. Check for the in-house IT development department of the venture along with the social media reach and visibility of the playschool to determine the existing technological standards. Look for the latest market trends in the play school sector and then opt for the tech-savvy school for keeping up with the market trends for benefitting the children as well as the considering the future prospects.

  1. Scope for Expansion

It’s good that you’re interested in opening a preschool franchise at first, but it is always better to consider the future expansion options before handing your money to anyone. Look for a playschool segment that has a chain of following primary, secondary and senior-secondary school segment for children. Go for a playschool chain that has a scope of further expansion in the near future and does not cut down your pathway to success.

  1. School Restricted Radii

A preschool franchise will never bag a complete success if there’s another franchise of the same playschool brand in the nearby locality. Plus, the playschool brands selling their franchises in a mere space of success are only concerned with the quantity and not the quality, ultimately hampering the ethics. Thus, look for a nursery segment who assures a restricted school radii and operational place in the locality for every franchise. A minimum up to 2km to 3km of radii should be restricted for the construction of another franchise of the same brand. This will help your franchise to have greater chances of success and a place for operation along with more enquiries and enrollments.

So, these were the 7 points to consider before investing your money into a playschool franchise. By following these pointers, you can easily shortlist the best of playschool brands for investment and opt for the play school franchise at your will.

But always remember to follow the ethics of running a playschool and enriching every nook and corner of the place with quality and care. You have to be very welcoming to nourish the kids with the right values and profitability, hand in hand for a lifetime success.

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