The Best Play School Flourishes the Best Kids

Play School Flourishes

Bachpan is a child-centered, developmentally responsive play school that incorporates an emergent curriculum through which child-led questions shape ideas and learning. Our kids become young mathematicians, readers, musicians, artists, dancers, and scientists through our curriculum. Friendships and teacher-student relationships are strengthened through cooperation, play, and communication with peers and teachers.

Early Childhood Needs Extra Care and Attention

Early childhood is a very critical phase of human life. In this window of learning opportunity, we help students in developing habits of mind, including the ability to regulate emotions, sustain attention, plan, recall information, and to be flexible and adaptable. We assume strong parent and teacher partnerships are essential as both are equally responsible for the intellectual growth of the children. We value collaboration to make parents feel at ease and informed about their children’s learning.

Children are full of tremendous capacity to care, learn, and grow. They enter the world strong, curious, and able to engineer learning experiences when furnished with a rich learning environment. Kids require time and space to thrive, and when they feel safe and appreciated, they can begin the serious work of play as a means to construct understanding about the world in which they live.

The Curriculum Shapes the Young Minds

This space answers a young child’s curiosity and allows developmentally appropriate and creative moments.

Reflecting on our curriculum, the mission of Bachpan Play School is to stimulate intellectual abilities, ignite passion, and shape character and behavior. Our play school vision is directed by the foundational belief that early childhood is a crucial path and children should be guided by teachers trained in early childhood education along with the contribution of the parents. The teachers not only make them learn but also make them love to learn as learning is a lifelong process and this should be instilled in children from the very beginning. Every day at Bachpan is unique because of our inquiry-based, hands-on, and shared learning approach. We allow our young learners to find greater voice, choice, and engagement and be able to learn while playing. We focus on the wholesome development of the child including the cognitive, emotional, physical, and social aspects. You, as parents, would be delighted to see your child being a part of a school that inspires learning, cultivates responsibility and caring, and sparks curiosity.


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